Parent Coaching

Any parent knows that bringing up children is hard and not something you can learn from a text book...if only! Our understanding of how to parent comes from our own experiences as a child and sometimes that means you may find that you
Revert to learnt behaviours such as shouting and screaming
Struggle to set healthy boundaries, particularly if this wasn't modelled to you by your own parents
Find it difficult to implement and follow through on consequences
It maybe that the way in which you parent one child is not working with another and you are at a loss for what to do. You may have a child that demonstrates considerable anger and you don't know how to respond to this, without making the situation worse. Or your child may have recently received a diagnosis of ASD/ADHD and you would like help navigating what this means for you and the wider family and how to best support your child.
I offer 60 minute parent coaching sessions where I can work with you to:
Explore and understand the difficulties you are experiencing at home
Identify what maybe contributing to the breakdown in the relationship
Explore how you communicate now and how to change this in order to reduce conflict
Understand how to better manage your own emotions and feelings
Identify how to set and sustain healthy boundaries
Parent coaching sessions are currently available face to face, or over Zoom.
The cost is £75 for 60 minutes.
Please contact me to book a session or for further information.